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Creative Tax Relief for Music Groups

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Brass bands, concert bands, wind bands, string players, handbell ringers, jazz bands, flute choirs, ensembles…  you name it! As long as there are 12 or more instrumentalists who are the main focus of the performance, then you could use this service to claim back production costs.

You do not currently need to be paying tax or previously registered with HMRC. As part of this service, we will submit a tax return for you. However, it makes no difference whether or not you have paid any tax prior to using this service.

HMRC’s Creative Tax Reliefs includes a scheme that was set up to support instrumental and orchestral productions in the UK. This scheme (known as Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR) but open to all instrumental groups) helps groups claim annual production costs such as venue hire, artist fees and rehearsal costs, with the aim of helping them to re-invest in new events and projects.

Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR) Helps Music Groups Reinvest in New Projects

Making Music, the UK’s organization for leisure-time music, offers a tax relief scheme to help instrumental and orchestral groups in the UK claim back money from HMRC for their performances. The Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR) scheme helps groups cover annual production costs such as venue hire, artist fees, and rehearsal costs. This can free up funds for groups to reinvest in new events and projects.

To be eligible for OTR, groups must be registered with Making Music and meet certain criteria, such as having a minimum of 10 members and performing at least 10 public concerts per year. Groups that are eligible for OTR can claim back up to 50% of their eligible production costs.

Making Music provides free guidance on eligibility and setting up for OTR. However, there is a fee for accessing the accounting template, financial checks, and for submitting claims. The fee is 12% of the OTR payment that the group receives from HMRC, and there is a minimum fee of £175.

OTR can be a valuable resource for instrumental and orchestral groups in the UK. By helping groups cover production costs, OTR can free up funds for groups to reinvest in new events and projects. This can help groups to grow and thrive, and to provide more opportunities for people to enjoy music.

Here are some of the benefits of OTR:

  • It can help groups cover annual production costs, such as venue hire, artist fees, and rehearsal costs.
  • It can free up funds for groups to reinvest in new events and projects.
  • It can help groups to grow and thrive.
  • It can provide more opportunities for people to enjoy music.

If you are an instrumental or orchestral group in the UK, you may be eligible for OTR.

To find out more, visit:


Making Music website

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