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Youth Music Next Gen Fund

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Youth Music NextGen Fund: Supporting the Future of the Music Industries

The Youth Music NextGen Fund is a grant program that provides young creatives with up to £2,500 to help them make their ideas happen. The fund is open to 18–25-year-olds (and up to 30-year-olds who identify as d/Deaf or Disabled) who live in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

The NextGen Fund aims to support the future of the music industries by helping young people develop the skills and resources they need to succeed. The fund is particularly aimed at those who are underrepresented in the music industries, such as people from the Global Majority, LGBTQIA+ people, and people with disabilities.

In its first year, the NextGen Fund has supported over 100 projects, from singles and EPs to music videos, record labels, music platforms, event series, zines and more. The fund has helped young people from all over the UK to make their mark on the music industry, and it has helped to make the industry more diverse and inclusive.

If you are a young creative who is passionate about music, the Youth Music NextGen Fund could be a great way to get your project off the ground. The fund is open to a wide range of projects, so there is something for everyone. To apply, simply visit the Youth Music website and submit your application.

Here are some of the benefits of applying for the Youth Music NextGen Fund:

  • You will receive up to £2,500 to help you make your ideas happen.
  • You will gain access to a network of experienced mentors and industry professionals.
  • You will have the opportunity to showcase your work to a wider audience.
  • You will help to make the music industries more diverse and inclusive.

If you are a young creative who is ready to make your mark on the music industry, the Youth Music NextGen Fund is a great opportunity. Apply today and see how the fund can help you achieve your dreams.

The fund is especially aimed at those whose lack of finance holds them back from pursuing their goals.It’s open to 18–25-year-olds (and up to 30-year-olds who identify as d/Deaf or Disabled) who live in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

The Next Gen Fund wants to support the future of the music industries.

Singers, Rappers, Songwriters, Producers, DJs, A&Rs, Managers and Agents, right through to roles that have yet to be defined.It is recommended to make a video application if you can.

Everyone who submits a project idea will get some feedback, even if they don’t get funded.

This is a video for a previous round:


Check when the next round of grants are: Youth Music Nextgen Fund

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